Academic Advisory
Academic advising for students in the DeKUT School of Engineering is coordinated by the office of the Dean School of Engineering through the chair persons of each department. An academic advisory session is required by every student at least once every academic year and is an important part of your academic experience at the School of Engineering, DeKUT. The SoE also work closely with the DeKUT’s Directorate of Student welfare on cases that call for professional counseling. Every department has an appointed class advisor who is available throughout each semester for academic guidance.
Student’s Responsibility and Engineering Regulations
Each student is responsible for their coursework and understanding the degree requirements as well as Examination Rules and Regulations related to his/her own academic progress.
Our School of Engineering Academic Advisors provide free assistance to students with questions related to academic advancement, curriculum, graduation requirements, academic achievement and career planning. It is important to remember that each student is expected to be an active participant in the educational process. In addition, each student is expected to keep appraised of issues related to engineering academics. Your academic advisor is an excellent resource to help you meet this expectation. We also avail a copy of engineering regulations to all our new students during the orientation program click here to view the Engineering Regulations.
Student’s Requests
Click here to download the student’s request form.